Thank you.
Thank you to all the presenters.
Mr. Zizys of the Metcalf Foundation, I wanted to plug the excellent report that you did entitled “Better Work: The path to good jobs is through employers”. You gave me a real paradigm shift as you spoke today, and in that report, about focusing on what you call the demand side, the employers, rather than, as we traditionally do, the supply side, the employees and the job seekers.
I was taken in your report—and I see it in my constituency all the time—by the fact that we have the highest proportion of workers with post-secondary education, but we have the highest rates of people with those degrees working in jobs that are way less than what they are qualified for. That is something we really must address head on.
I want to throw an idea at you that I threw at the Chamber of Commerce earlier that comes from work that's going on right now with university presidents meeting with Israeli entrepreneurs here in Ottawa. Their concept is that we ought to give small business owners co-op students or paid interns because they will perhaps bring the innovation ideas to the employers. Those employers don't have an incentive to hire full time. As you point out, they often hire contractors instead. The idea would be to provide a subsidy perhaps, or a tax credit, to those employers to hire people for a few months so they could benefit from that expertise. I would assume that idea fits in with your thinking.