Okay. I want to comment on the first number, then I'll get right away to the question afterwards.
There's a very big difference between one in five dollars in investments and one in five dollars in economic activity. One is a result, the other one is a motor. Investment is a motor in our economy, whereas GDP just measures the results. When I'm saying one in five investment dollars, I'm talking about the way the economy is building itself, the direction in which it's going.
It's very good that we have this sector that can be a motor in our economy, and I'm not here to say we should shut down this or that. I'm saying that you build in dependency and dependency engenders fragilities. I'm saying that in the current context these fragilities are...and there's two. There's the very short-term fragility linked to trade cycles, and then there's the more long-term fragility which is...Canada is in some form of environmental denial and that's fine, it's okay. I don't want to comment on that. But I think elsewhere the world is moving, and that's going to impact us at some point.
Now, getting back to the gold mine approach—