I understand that.
To understand just whether this has been contemplated, is that because of this particular amendment, because port authorities occupy a grey zone? They're a different kind of entity for Canadians to understand who owns them and who directs them. Is it a federal or provincial jurisdiction? This is what it will look like to some courts as an intergovernmental transfer. The requirements on consultation if government is transferring ownership of a property from one agency to another are quite high. When you're starting to talk about energy development, ports being used for LNG terminals and whatnot, that's going to hit a consultation trigger almost automatically.
I'm just asking, was any consultation done with Justice to try to incorporate any of the new regime consultations that I know the B.C. government is going through right now about these types of specified projects? It's a bit of a new world. I'm wondering if this legislation is catching up to that new reality by the Supreme Court.