Actually, when you look at all the ports, we are mainly focusing on the bulk industries, which are known as being very space-consuming.
That's not really a value-added activity if we compare it to ship building, for instance.
If you look at the jobs at the port of Quebec, most of them come from la construction navale.
If we look at the jobs created in bulk handling, the port is really just a passageway. Very little wealth is created for the community. The number of jobs is about 200. Concerning all the costs to the community, a number of studies indicate much lower economic benefits. In the Port of Quebec, the GDP value in terms of economic benefits of the bulk industry is less than 1% for the community. However, the studies indicate a very high level of inconvenience and problems for the constituents, and that is never taken into account when the port presents its figures. They always talk about jobs and benefits, but they never keep track of social, economic and health costs people have to assume collectively and individually.