Although this has already been mentioned, I have to emphasize that no prior consultation was held in any comprehensive way with industry representatives. Mr. Gooch, from the Canadian Airports Council, even told us that some of the wording in the bill could be problematic, that they may well have undesirable effects, and that they should be amended. But no amendments along those lines have been proposed.
Just the fact that the Canadian Airports Council has indicated that some of the wording in the bill is problematic should make the government understand the need to settle that matter before forcing a vote on this division, which, as has been mentioned, should be part of separate legislation rather than being part of a budget bill.
We feel that, before passing these changes to the legislation, even if they could be specified in regulations that must themselves follow some consultation, Transport Canada should re-examine the wording and the scope of the bill and undertake wider consultations. As it stands, this amendment gives the minister new discretionary powers that might be useful in certain cases but that, in other cases, could be used in a way that could be considered abusive.
For those reasons, it is impossible for us to vote in favour of these provisions. We will vote against them in a recorded vote.