Thank you.
I'm going to consult with my colleagues just for a moment. But I believe if we look at under section 6 under “Powers and Functions”, again clause 5 and clause 6 work together, and that's the intention, to make sure that one's a more deeper and expansive elaboration of the general purpose above.
Under item 6(f), “complement of national and international networks of expertise and of facilities”, it's expressed that in each of these areas we're going into a greater amount of detail to describe the international partnerships and Canada playing a leadership role in the international community, and the Canadian Polar Commission is recognized as being a legitimate partner in establishing those. That does legally carry forward in this expression of it, and it has been intended to make sure that what we add to that is the applied research and the science and technology component. So in addition to this knowledge dissemination, it will actually be generating knowledge.