I think I'd start with specialized teams, which actually got ahead of our recently released strategy. It was implemented in 2012-13.
These are 20 sites where we have specialized teams with specialized experts who are more on the investigative side of our workforce. They did 8,000 audits last fiscal year and 83% of the time they found a reassessment and they raised $718 million in new revenue.
We're also working with outreach. We've implemented something called the liaison officer initiative to be visible and proactively assist businesses. We've also started to focus on the supply side, as I mentioned in a prior response. We are partnering with other organizations with something like the “Get it in Writing!” campaign, for example, that we have with the Canadian Home Builders' Association, that warns Canadians about the perils of participating in the underground economy. We're trying to inform consumers that if you hire a contractor to build a deck it's not just that you're saving a bit of money, but as somebody who engages in the underground economy may not respect standards, perhaps you are putting the lives of your children at risk. We're trying to paint that picture for Canadian consumers.