Thank you, Mr. Van Kesteren.
I'm going to take the next round.
Mr. McLellan, you describe very well your company. It's very innovative. I certainly applaud you for that. But your company and others like you have transformed the energy market in the world, right? You have successfully done that. As you said, you ushered in a new era.
If you look at production—I hope these figures are correct—U.S. production of crude was, in 2008, five million barrels a day. In 2014, I think it was 7.4; 2015 is projected to be 8.5; and 2016 is 9.3. I hope those figures are correct, but it shows obviously a trend in terms of supply. As you mentioned, demand is going down, so you have transformed the market.
Mr. Leach indicated that the Saudis are perhaps being less aggressive than they could be, but the sense is that, and many observers are saying this in fact, what they are doing is trying to preserve market share. If you look at it from a very cynical point of view, they are almost trying to either halt your progress or even drive you out of business, such that they preserve their market share where it is today.
Given that—and that may be the reality, I'm not saying it isn't—how will your company and others respond to that situation?