I take the Governor of the Bank of Canada, Stephen Poloz, and what they've put out very seriously, where they've said there has been a loss of capacity in the manufacturing sector in Ontario. Since we're coming out of a recession where there hasn't been a buildup in machinery and equipment, because people were cutting back, there has been complete loss of capacity and plants have been shut down.
With the dollar low it is a bad time to be importing machinery and upgrading. Since they were already upgrading at capacity, we're not going to see a lot of upgrading, and it may not make sense for them, unless they're sure that this dollar is going to stick around for a long time. Many manufacturers were burned when the dollar rose, so they may not want to set their business plan on an 80ยข dollar for a long term.
Yes, that's something we're concerned about. Things we talk about are tax treatment of investment in equipment, appreciation and depreciation, that kind of thing, and public sector infrastructure transitioning to that green economy, because the old economy may not come back. We need to transition to a new green economy. We need to look at what kind of future we're going to be building.