Thank you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee, for inviting me to discuss terrorist financing in Canada and abroad. In my time today, I will highlight certain key threats that Canada and the rest of the world face as regards terrorist financing. I will outline a few steps that the Government of Canada, in cooperation with its international partners, can take to help mitigate these threats.
As the juggernaut of ISIS rolls on unabated, and as al Qaeda and its affiliates across the world show renewed vigour, terrorist financing threats are on the rise. ISIS is flush with funds, and its reliance on criminal methods and donations from rich individuals to fund its operations has become all too obvious. Simultaneously, the heightened activity of al Qaeda affiliates like Boko Haram and AQAP, as well as Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Taliban, all of whom are well financed thanks to their exploitation of criminal sources of money and misuse of charitable organizations alike, is causing great concern to the democratic denizens of Canada and the international community.
A key factor that allows the aforementioned terrorist organizations to thrive is their ability to launder the proceeds of their criminal activities towards terrorist financing ends and purposes. Often in concert with criminal organizations, as well as on their own, these terrorist groups have been able to finesse the craft of money laundering in order to disguise the sources of their income from the ultimate destination that this income is bound for, and that is towards perpetrating terrorist acts, setting up and administering new affiliates and cells, and the training, recruitment, and online radicalization of terrorists.
An alarming trend is the global nature of the movement of terrorist funds, which not only tends to misuse the international financial system, but also makes it very difficult to trace these funds and to prosecute and convict those engaging in the nefarious acts of perpetrating, financing, and facilitating the terrorism that we in the civilized world all love to hate.
Given the seemingly intractable task and mission of stemming the flow of terrorist funds and their use to launch terrorist attacks, what can Canada along with the global community do to mitigate the terrorist financing threat?
First, it's important to recognize that terrorists succeed by moving men, money, materiel, and messages across the world. Hence, a broader and more expansive scope of material support to include men, money, materiel, and messages should be adopted by the comity of nations in order to make more informed and effective choices in exercising the countering of financing of terrorism tools of sanctions, investigations and enforcement, regulations, and outreach.
Second, given the free movement of money, men, materiel, and messages in this day and age of the internet, ISIS, al Qaeda, and their acolytes are not limiting their theatres of operation and fundraising activities only to Iraq, Syria, and the broader Middle East, but they are also extending them to north Africa, west Africa, southwest Asia, south Asia, Europe, etc. ISIS-inspired attacks in Paris, Ottawa, and Oklahoma are a case in point. So is the heinous attack by French citizen Mehdi Nemmouche in Brussels, Belgium, as is the combined training activities of Boko Haram, al Qaeda, and ISIS in Mauritania. Foreign terrorist fighters may perpetrate terrorist acts not only in their home countries; therefore, any counterterrorist finance strategy should not limit itself to Iraq, Syria, and immediate neighbours, as has been the wont of the international community for the past year or so.
Third, given the serious online radicalization, fundraising, and recruitment threat that ISIS presents, it's imperative to work with social media companies to take down incendiary videos and websites that train impressionable persons in bomb making, invite radical thoughts and beliefs, and lionize those who commit atrocious terrorist acts. Present efforts under way to bring in legislation in Canada to address this issue are a step in the right direction. Of course, it is hoped that these legislative initiatives will balance the needs of security with those of free speech and the privacy concerns of citizens.
Fourth, while there has been a lot of debate in the past several years about the functioning and effectiveness of FINTRAC—and by all accounts its performance has considerably improved—not much has been spoken of in terms of the dire need for two-way information sharing between law enforcement agencies and FINTRAC. This two-way information sharing would further improve the effectiveness of FINTRAC and the quality of its financial intelligence products.
Fifth, while targeted sanctions against the al Qaeda and Taliban regimes by the UN are a noteworthy name and shame deterrence phenomenon, and the capacity-building initiatives of the UN Security Council resolution 1373 regime have gained high praise, their effectiveness of implementation, as well as their impact at stemming terrorist financing have yet to be assessed. The Government of Canada, which is actively engaged in funding and facilitating the countering the financing of terrorism capacity-building programs through the UN and its agencies, may like to request information from both the al Qaeda and Taliban monitoring team and the counterterrorism executive directorate with regard to the effectiveness of implementation and the impacts of UNSCR 1267 and UNSCR 1373, respectively.
It is hoped that these thoughts and recommendations will help the committee in its examination of terrorist financing in Canada and abroad going forward.
In closing, thank you, Mr. Chair and members, for this opportunity to discuss this issue. I welcome your questions.