I can't give you specifics on Canada, because I was given only a couple of days' notice to come here, but I can tell you that some of the same organizations that are supported, for instance, by the New Israel Fund in the United States, which has a Canadian office and also a Swiss office—I'm not sure why an American charity working in Israel needs a Swiss office—and other organizations such as Adalah and B'Tselem are also getting money from the Welfare Association of the Islamic Bank and the NGO Development Fund, which are controlled by Iran, and Saudi Arabia, and other countries in that neck of the woods. So what is it that these organizations have in common with Iran and charitable organizations?
When I did my original investigation for “Funding Hate”, on the Ford Foundation, which resulted in them dismantling their entire funding operation for racist NGOs, I found that they were giving millions and millions of dollars to support the anti-Semitic and terrorist-supporting organizations at the Durban conference in South Africa, and ultimately they had to establish rules that none of the grantees could allow their money to be commingled or to support the terrorists.
So once again, it's an impossible task for bankers to track the money going from organization A to organization B. Maybe they are registered NGOs or 501(c)(3)s, which is what we call charitable organizations in the U.S. What happens on the ground when they are funding guys who are travelling to distant locales to explode themselves, when they are taking care of families, when they are putting people on the payroll? You need to examine the root problem and the infrastructure. The paymaster, the central bank that is dealing with all of these moneys—the little moneys from Canada, and the giant moneys from Qatar, and the EU, and the United States—is the Palestinian Authority, and that is not denied by them. They have their known laws, they defend those laws, and they say they are in the right.
All of the numbers I'm giving you, about $20 million and 13,000 recipients, are from internal documents. People said this is charitable, but they came back recently and said, “Don't insult our warriors. This is not charity. This is their salary”. And they used the Arabic word ratib, and ratib means salary.