First of all, it's not just the United States that's involved; it's also Europe and charitable organizations worldwide. These charitable organizations do not work on an A to B routing system. When charitable organization A gives money to charitable organization B, that then goes to charitable organization C, and then goes to non-charitable organizations and operations. For instance, if you had money going from A to B, and it ended up at the Union of Good, headed by Sheik Qaradawi, that's the chief Hamas charitable organization. So it's going there.
There's the Ministry of Social Affairs in the Palestinian Authority. I hear everybody here talking about criminals, but that's the wrong word. You need to talk not about the criminals, but about the politicians. You're nibbling at.... one of the colleagues here spoke about $150. That's not the money we're talking about. The Ministry of Social Affairs, which interacts with all these charitable organizations, did an internal audit and found that it had given financial assistance in 13,351 cases to terrorist activities outside of Palestine. That's anywhere from Tokyo to Toronto. That was approximately $20 million. When you start creating an elaborate infrastructure to monitor $1,000 here and $10,000 there, that's the little stuff. The big stuff is the $450 million a year that the U.S. is giving. I think Canada is giving upwards of $66 million, through various non-governmental entities or organizations, or the UN. Naturally the UN, especially through UNRRA, is providing massive support for terrorism. These are intertwined
I'm happy that you have an elaborate infrastructure to try to figure out who is sending out $150, but if you really want to go to the centre of this financing, you need to go to Brussels, Washington, and other capitals, where the taxpayers and their representatives do not know they are funnelling millions of dollars to terrorism every day.