Yes. Sometimes contracts with DFATD can provide some funding for compliance costs, but you have to ask for it and you have to know about it. Certainly some education is required.
Even for a larger organization, the way the law is constructed now.... Picture me at a board of directors. They ask me, “Are we compliant with all the laws of Canada?” Can I state that with any great confidence, given the way the law is stated? It is quite possible that some would-be terrorist, three years down the road, after getting treatment at an emergency response unit, a MASH we've set up there, goes and commits an act of terrorism.
If you look at the pure writing of the law, the literal meaning of the law, we could be held liable for that. There is a lot of reliance on prosecutorial discretion, which we don't feel is consistent with the rule of law. In our submission, there needs to be more clarity in the law so that charities have a clear understanding of what they can and cannot do.