But increasingly it's possible for somebody to obtain credit, to transfer money, and to receive all the services traditionally associated with banking without being a bank client, both within Canada and particularly within emerging economies in the developing world, where the growth of mobile banking and technologically driven banking is completely outside the realm of a regulatory framework.
Do you have any thoughts on how we, as a country and part of a multilateral framework, could address that?
I'd be interested, Mr. Carter or Mr. Schwisberg, if you had some thoughts on this as well, because it strikes me as something that we've got to be concerned about. I agree with the Senate banking committee's 2013 report that identified the issues of information sharing between the banking system and the Canada Revenue Agency.
We've even heard from earlier witnesses that there are issues in the sharing of data between the Canada Revenue Agency and FINTRAC. Are there some countries that are perhaps doing more on the whole technology side, and how could we participate in or support those initiatives?