I appreciate that.
I only have a couple of minutes left, and I want to finish up with CPP.
I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb here. On your slide 5, I take all of your points. All of your points are true. In fact, I don't think the changes would be as good as those who proposed it are saying, but I don't think it would be as bad as those who are opposing it either. That's where I sit on the issue.
However, even though those are all true, there is the challenge of Canadians not saving enough. We have that challenge. I would like to believe, and I think your organization believes, that if we were to reduce the tax burden, to allow for vehicles...that Canadians on their own would save and invest. I would like to believe that. That's my inclination. As a Conservative, that's what I want to believe. There's an awful lot of evidence that flies in the face of this.
I take your point in terms of it perhaps not being the best approach. How, then, do we deal with that public policy challenge? That's the bigger issue for me. There are very few organizations that I respect as much as yours. But how do we deal with that public policy challenge?
We have very generous incentives in terms of people saving for their retirement in Canada, but people are not putting enough income away presently for the life they're going to live. I don't have an answer for that. I don't know if you do. I know it's a big challenge.