That's what everybody thinks, but it's actually an economist by the name of Herbert Spencer back in the 19th century. He was actually using the evolutionary insights of Darwin and trying to apply them to sociology and societies. I must say that what I've seen in your brief reminds me a lot of what we were seeing in the 19th century with this guy who actually had lots of followers.
I know your organization. I have followed your organization for a long time, even before I was a member of Parliament. I think your organization actually has done some good work in the past, especially regarding waste in governance. I think we all need those insights to be able to improve government, to make sure it works well. But what I'm seeing before me is not suggestions for waste. It's a political program. It's a political and economic program for governance. It's not waste reduction. It's not waste elimination.
I have some problems believing.... How many members did you say you had at the beginning? I think I missed it.