I understand that, and there are things you propose that I agree with, but this is going so far off where you usually go that I don't even know where to start on it.
Actually, I do know where to start. I'll start at EI. What you're suggesting, basically, is to remove the whole rationale of the program, which is to pool the money that actually helps. You're trying to put it by regions. It doesn't go by regions. It goes by individuals. Individuals and businesses are actually putting the money into this. The government doesn't pay a cent.
What I want is for this plan to be able to actually help the people in need. We do that best by pooling the money. What you're suggesting is to basically say that I will be responsible for my own situation, you will be responsible for your own, and so on.
Obviously, those who are well off, those who are successful, and those who have good jobs will only be responsible for themselves. But people in my area, which is still highly dependent on seasonal work, have nothing to gain from this. Basically, in your presentation, you almost called the whole situation from which they are benefiting criminal. I find this very offensive, because inasmuch as people are using EI often in seasonal work, that's because of the nature of the work. That's because of tourism. That's because of fisheries.That's because of agriculture. That's because of forestry. That's still a large part of the economic activity in my region.
I want to help to diversify the economy of my region so that it will be less dependent on it. I want the government to participate in this so we'll be less dependent on this. What you are suggesting is to me highly offensive, because it refers back to the mentality that government has nothing to do to actually help with inequalities and that we're all responsible only for ourselves, which is to me anathema to what good government and good governance are about.