First, as I noted earlier, retailers were delighted to see the government beginning the process of tariff reduction and obviously we're calling for more, recognizing the fiscal position in which the government finds itself.
The tracking exercise, for which we're working very closely with officials at the Department of Finance and the Nielsen Company, actually is obviously still out in the field. There are a lot of other issues that affect the price gap. There are some legitimate distinctions, distributional costs, transportation costs, and so on. There is a factor called country pricing with which you may be familiar, where a supplier will supply goods at higher prices to Canadians than they do to elsewhere in the world.
I know that the department in particular is spending quite a bit of time thinking about ways to address that, including potentially easing the path for parallel imports, or the grey market as they're known. There are some limitations to Canada's ability to control the prices at source for non-resident entities from which goods are imported and so that presents a challenge, but, as noted, in dealing with that price gap certainly a move to address the tariff burden would be greatly appreciated and obviously it's the beginning of a long process and we applaud it.