Not to my knowledge. I think that the idea of banking went away a long time ago. It's starting to disappear in the public sector. It went away a long time ago.
As I said, I was in the Bank of Montreal in the 1970s where we had the system the government is now proposing for the Government of Canada. It's what I call the three-tiered stool. There is short-term personal leave with no documentation required—that's personal leave—followed by short-term leave administered by the insurance company, followed by long-term leave. I just think it's a much fairer system, partly because the personal leave requires no documentation, whereas right now you've got this cumbersome system where every time you have a sniffle you have to go off to find a doctor. In contrast, under the five, or six, or seven-day personal leave system, there are no questions asked. It could be a funeral or you're just tired. You don't have to go through that rigmarole. And then short-term leave is for when you really do have a problem, if you break your leg skiing on the weekend or something like that. It helps young people who don't have a bank of sick leave.