I appreciate that.
I next want to move to the RCMP. As you know, the Information Commissioner testified here this week. She actually provided a helpful timeline in terms of the investigation. In my understanding, she raises two main concerns. One is with respect to the timing of the request and then the response, and the other is with respect to the applicability of the Ending the Long-gun Registry Act to her act itself, the Access to Information Act.
I just want to clarify. In your presentation you said the RCMP did not destroy any registration data before the coming into force of the Ending the Long-gun Registry Act on April 5, 2012. Later on you talked about the RCMP providing the requester with a copy of a previous access to information request that met the parameters of his request. Over eight million rolls of registration data would be approximately 171,000 pages long. So is this essentially then a disagreement between you as the RCMP and the person who put the request in? You feel very strongly that you have fulfilled his or her request, but this person feels that they did not get the information or all the information that they should have been provided under the request. Is this essentially, then, a disagreement of that type? Does that characterize it fairly?