Okay, thank you.
The government does not support amendment PV-40 because it would undermine the purpose of this new measure, which is to ensure that the minister has the flexibility to make use of a full range of modern electronic tools in the administration of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
Automated systems assist officers in carrying out routine, straightforward tasks, thereby freeing up officer time for more value-added complex activities. Their use enhances the timeliness and efficiency of decision-making and bolsters program integrity measures. The effect of the proposed amendment would be to significantly hamper the department's ability to use available technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its processes. It would provide clients with faster and more efficient service and focus its resources on those cases that need it most.
The government also does not support PV-42 because it would prevent regulations made under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act from incorporating standards and specifications by reference, and would require instead that these standards be reproduced in full text. Incorporation by reference limits unnecessary repetition of technical standards and specifications that have been developed and made available by authoritative external bodies. The effect of the proposed amendment would be to lengthen regulations. It would lead to amendments to regulations whenever technical standards change, and would create an opportunity for discrepancies between regulatory requirements and industry-recognized technical standards.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.