Yes. There's some inconsistency—I don't want to say “hypocrisy”—of the Conservatives in terms of the balanced budget law. Under this law, if a government goes into deficit because of a recession, a pay freeze must be in place from the end of the recession until a balanced budget is recorded in the public accounts. That includes a pay freeze for the Prime Minister and all cabinet ministers.
This Conservative government hasn't recorded a balanced budget in the public accounts since 2008, but if the Conservatives actually believed in this part of the bill, they would have made it retroactive and subjected themselves to the pay freeze. Instead, the Conservatives have added more than $150 billion to the national debt while the Prime Minister and each cabinet minister got a pay raise on April 1 every year since 2013.
Making this bill retroactive and making the Conservatives put their money where their mouths are on this would have cost the Prime Minister $18,107, each minister $8,552, and each minister of state $6,289. If they respected the spirit of this legislation, they would have made it retroactive and that would have been the impact on their salaries, because they have not met the conditions laid out by this legislation.