It's critically important. We're critically important in every community. If you compare Detroit versus another city, Detroit is gutted. They need a restaurant sector. We are the number one employer of first-time jobs, and we're number two for youth employment. A lot of those people go on to other careers everywhere.
I've got to say, instead of fighting around here, we really should be.... It's a non-partisan issue. I do think we need better labour market information, because somehow people forget about demographics.
The worst time to plan for a crisis is during a crisis. We collectively need to talk about this, all of us. We can try to one-up each other, but we have an issue coming at us, and we're feeling it. We're feeling it. The demographic cohort that's declining, that's the younger folks. We need to look at all strategies to deal with this.
To go back to your question, certainty is really important to us, and you've provided certainty. Certainty that payroll taxes won't increase when you're labour intensive is important. When you invest in the community and you're a smaller business, it's really, really important. When you're making decisions to expand, it's important, but so is the labour force, and it hurts expansion when you don't feel you can get that labour force. A lot of the skilled jobs we have lose out if we don't have the unskilled jobs.