I see Mr. Ouellette next.
I'll just read the motion—it is in order—so that people are clear on what it says. It reads that the Standing Committee on Finance invite the Honourable Bill Morneau, the Minister of Finance, to appear as the first witness to commence the committee's 2016 pre-budget consultations, along with senior officials from the Department of Finance, and that the minister appear to inform committee members about a ministerial mandate letter.
If I could, just for a minute, in the Standing Orders, the pre-budget hearing process is.... I'll read what it says.
Commencing on the first sitting day in September of each year, the Standing Committee on Finance shall be authorized to consider and make reports upon proposals regarding the budgetary policy of the government. Any report or reports thereon may be made no later than the [third] sitting day before the last [scheduled] sitting day in December, as set forth in Standing Order 28(2).
I guess, Mr. McColeman, normal pre-budget hearings.... We were in an election, so that kind of scuttled the committee's ability to do those kinds of pre-budget consultations. I looked back, and in 2008 the previous government and the previous committee weren't able to hold them either.
The motion is on the floor. In anticipation that there would be a request for the minister, I talked to the minister's office. The first Thursday back would be better for the minister's schedule than the first Tuesday.
But the motion's on the floor and we should debate it.
Mr. Ouellette and then Mr. MacKinnon.