Information on the job market and on job availability in Canada is currently available on the Job Bank site, which is managed by the department and made available to Canadians, employers and educational institutions.
In fact, the site has been extensively redesigned to improve it, to make it easier for workers and job seekers to access it, and to target information on more specific areas. A resident of a given community will be able to know what jobs are available and what the salaries are. The website also contains information on the eligibility requirements and education required. There has been a real increase in the amount of information available to job seekers, as well as easier access to employers who are looking for talent and workers in their own region. We are really trying to make this information easier to access. National information is also available on this site.
As I mentioned earlier, in addition to the Job Bank, the creation of the new Canada Labour Market Information Council is designed to make information more readily available by grouping together on the joint platform data collected in the regions, in the provinces and in different sectors. The site also aims to improve the quality and relevance of available information by proposing better measures and more coherent methodologies. The labour market in Canada will therefore benefit from expert input.
Our goal is to improve the quality and relevance of labour market information in order to better match supply and demand.