To date, the programs have served over 400,000 clients, with close to 133,000 finding work and more than 60,000 returning to school. One of the changes we're exploring with the successor strategy is the potential to measure and capture clients who move up the skills spectrum. You can see from the results measurement that we're doing that it's quite binary. It's either they went back to school or they got a job. Our indigenous partners are telling us, and which makes a lot of sense, is that for a lot of the clients they are serving success is moving from very low literacy to higher literacy and numeracy, and that isn't being captured. As we move people up the skills continuum, we need those longer-term interventions for quite a few of the clients. We need to align the services we offer with their personal aspirations, whether it's to go back to school, to go to a more technical job, etc.
We've had a lot of success with the program, as you can see from the statistics on jobs found and returns to school. Now we want to capture and do more work in the full skills continuum to reach those clients who are starting from the furthest back.