This will be short.
Mr. Wales, you mentioned the 220,000 family farms. I got to visit a honey farm in Neerlandia during the summer, and nearly everybody working on the farm was from Mexico—really hard workers. They had tried to hire people locally. They told me that the Canadian who lasted longest, except for the owners, the family who operated it, a young guy and his wife, lasted three days.
How do you deal with that? On the one hand, we're telling Canadians to get a great education, upskill themselves, and get into these very technical fields. We're also trying to find labour for our family farms in order to sustain them and keep them going. Obviously, two, three, four, or five people can't keep a large farm going. With these tax changes and with the labour issues.... The Province of Alberta has also brought in Bill 6, and started applying commercial rules to family operations.
What does that mean for the family farm? Between the labour costs and these proposed tax reforms, what does it mean for the family farm?