Mr. Marcoux and Mr. Feeley, during your presentation you mentioned that the small business tax is a big issue, but I want to talk about medical student debt, specifically, because I know over the last few years there has been a lot of talk about reducing student debt, and the different means and changes. They got rid of the education tax credit and the textbook tax credit and moved toward trying to do other things for students. But medical students have a significant amount of debt when they graduate, and some of them choose to become general practitioners in their communities, and then, basically, they have to run a clinic, raise a family, and manage their debt loads.
With these small business tax changes being proposed, and other potential macro tax policy decisions the government might make, what will the impact be on newly graduated students? Are you hearing a lot of them say that they might choose a different jurisdiction for their practice? What would be the financial impact on them, for those who may be choosing to start a general practice?