One of the items we highlighted in our budget submission was the intellectual property matchmaking program. There are lots of great ideas coming out of the institutions. A big part of the challenge is that there's not a great level of awareness of those opportunities to match companies with some of the researchers or the students who are taking on these projects or coming up with these new innovations and these new ideas. What we were proposing around IP matchmaking is having a database of sorts where you have an inventory of what intellectual property exists so you could transfer more of the technologies through to the business community to apply it in a commercialization environment.
We believe there's a great opportunity for this. We have been working with the INDU committee, who has been reviewing it, as well as ISED, who is reviewing the tech transfer policy as well as the IP policy. That's something we believe could have a significant impact, for fairly minimal input, to be able to get something going. It's really collecting the information and disseminating it appropriately to have significant outcomes.
As for the other opportunities for students in particular, we believe there's a great opportunity for an increase in co-op in all of the institutions. The University of Waterloo is exceptional at co-op placements. I know we've talked about apprentice programs, and certainly experiential learning is extremely critical because it shortens the gap for training requirements for companies, and training employees and students is costly. If we can reduce that time and get them up to speed sooner, there would be great advantages both for the students as well as for the businesses and thus the economy. Experiential learning would be another opportunity to look at with Sherbrooke and the others that you spoke about in terms of the great things that are happening there.
Finally, the last component would be working through the accelerator programs and the incubation spaces. Seventy-five per cent of the research parks have either incubation space or an acceleration program that is designed specifically to bring products to market more rapidly and to help students. Skunkworks is often where you have venture garage areas where students will come up with ideas and be partnered with companies specifically for that purpose, because they have great ideas and they just don't know how to necessarily get them to market. That's another avenue through the research park network that could be taken advantage of, and we are working with the folks in Quebec.
There's a group in Quebec, Univalor, that works on IP. It's a consolidation of all of the intellectual property and tech transfer activities in many of the institutions in Quebec. They are doing some pretty extraordinary things in terms of IP matching and driving technology transfer. We're working with them on the potential IP matchmaking program as an example of a network and consortium already working together to drive that.
Thank you.