As we see it, the superclusters initiative addresses a deficiency in Canada in the area of industrial innovation, in the same way, for example, that the Israelis addressed the lack of regional markets as a deficiency.
What's our deficiency? We are not as interconnected a society as we need to be in order to have an innovation culture. Again, I can compare us to Israel, where there is a complete integration of the academic, industrial, government, and community structures, so that people are one and the same community. They know each other. Successive managers within the Israel Innovation Authority have had vast industry experience, many of them internationally. It's the same community.
The clusters are an attempt to create that community within regions in areas of technological focus so that we can overcome a deficiency in the way we're structured, in the same way, for example, that the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto was established to achieve the same thing.