Mr. Pollock, I want to start with you. You talked about income sprinkling and the effects this is going to have on small businesses, but I didn't see your brief or your background data to back up that statement. If you have that, I'd appreciate receiving it.
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives put out a report called “Splitting the Difference”. In it they say:
By far the biggest winners are Canada's top 10% of families by income, who have access to nearly two-thirds of the total tax benefit from the current loophole. Nearly all of the families who benefit most from the income sprinkling are headed by male income earners, which undercuts claims that the current loophole is positive for gender equality; and almost half of all benefits flow to the richest 5% of families, those earning more than $216,000 a year.
It later goes on to say:
On the other hand, more traditional small businesses such as family-run farms or restaurants are two and a half times less likely than professionals to benefit from income sprinkling.
Are you suggesting that their data is incorrect? If so, can we see yours?