Thank you.
My name is Keith Moen. I am the executive director of the NSBA, a dynamic business organization that I'll expand upon in a moment.
First, let me thank you all for coming to Saskatoon. Welcome back, Mr. Easter.
I also want to acknowledge the appreciation, admiration, and respect I have for anyone elected to public office. Thank you for your respective commitments to the public service for the betterment of our great nation.
The NSBA is a member-driven business organization that serves, promotes, and protects businesses throughout Saskatoon and beyond, through our lobbying and advocacy efforts. From its grassroots origins some 50 years ago by a handful of businesses, today's NSBA consists of a membership in excess of 700 companies, with members ranging from single owner-operator proprietorships to large multinational corporations that employ thousands. Although diverse, our membership mainly consists of a strong community of small to medium-sized businesses that are largely owner managed by entrepreneurs. We are known for our pragmatic, common-sense approach—not just to talk about it, but to actually get things done.
Our response to question one, in terms of benefits to Canada as a whole, is that we believe productivity would increase through funding for indigenous peoples and programs that are directed more toward action rather than toward more reports or studies. It's a multi-generational issue that needs to begin one step at a time, but it needs to be a step in the right direction.
Specifically, we would encourage the government to direct dollars into distance education that enables people to learn skills that can benefit their communities without having to leave those communities. We would encourage more emphasis on finance and business development education for band chiefs who are receiving federal money and implementing educational programs for their bands.
Education and workplace preparation, i.e., work readiness, is key for Saskatchewan, where more skilled labour is needed to keep up with the rates of business growth and retirement in the current workforce dynamic.
Our response to question two is for the federal government to have a growth-friendly tax policy, to implement a procurement model built on best value, and to have open borders based on fair trade enforcement, for example, a working agreement on internal trade. Let's make it easier to do business in Canada, not harder.
Another measure would be to have a patent or innovation box on tax returns to incentivize the commercialization of intellectual property, encourage entrepreneurship, and grow the economy while adding value to society.
Another measure would be the development of trade corridors outside of Canada's large metropolitan centres, such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. We live in the heart of a commodity-based jurisdiction, which benefits not only our local economy but that of Canada. We have what the world needs—not just wants but needs—food, fuel, and fertilizer, all of which need to get to export markets. For many years, we've had a need for a perimeter highway around Saskatoon, which has only become more pronounced during our recent population and economic boom.
Last but certainly not least—in fact, it's the biggest point I want to stress here today—the proposed changes to tax planning and private corporations can and will hurt the competitiveness of Canadian businesses, especially relative to neighbouring jurisdictions that aren't raising taxes. I specifically raise this issue last to emphasize that we are a pragmatic organization that sees things holistically, and we are not a single-issue organization.
During the very brief consultation period, you've seen and heard many passionate and personal opinions on this topic—and, believe me, we have those as well—but we want to emphasize that the proposed changes do not stand up to reason or fact, and therefore have no value or net benefit to the government. If they are implemented, the law of diminishing returns will be in effect. Specifically, changes to the effective tax rate on passive income held within a corporation will not only stifle investment and job creation, but will reduce jobs as well, and the middle class will be negatively impacted as a result. This negative impact will be felt across all industries and sectors.
We support fairness and welcome changes that increase fairness, but the proposed changes fail in this regard. The analogy I have been using to stress this point is that the federal government is using an RPG to kill a fly, when a fly swatter would suffice.
We have heard the minister and other leaders in government, including members of this committee, say that the changes will not hurt the majority of small businesses, farmers, and incorporated professionals. However, tax professionals tell us otherwise, and we believe in and trust their expertise and facts.
In closing, we strongly encourage the federal government to take a holistic approach regarding taxation, which is to say a non-partisan apolitical stance for the betterment of the Canadian economy, because when it comes to economic development and growth, the solution lies in the private sector, not in government.
Thank you.