We have those same concerns. The current taxation system allows for small business owners to accumulate assets and save during the good times, then bank that war chest, so to speak, so that when the bad times come, they can handle the downturns. I have a very good example. I have a client in the construction industry. Three and four years ago they were making $300,000 to $400,000 a year. Last year they lost $50,000. This year they broke even. They've utilized assets that were previously saved in the corporation so as not to have to lay off employees during the slow economic times. They've done a clawback on wages but they haven't had layoffs. From that perspective, it's very important that we take a good look at passive investments.
We have to look at the situation with regard to.... I'm sorry. I'm going to let my colleague take over here. I'm drawing a blank. I apologize.