I'm not sure what the question is, but I'll say a couple of things. The building code is under review right now. We are lobbying to get stricter, with more thicknesses of insulation and more uses of insulation in new builds. For new federal buildings, schools, and hospitals, we've been promoting the upgrading of the insulation code in the specifications.
There also needs to be a review of the code for retrofits in federal buildings. Special attention, we believe, should be paid to insulation, because over the course of a building's lifetime, maintenance happens in the boiler room, for example, and pieces of insulation are removed so work can be done on the equipment. Many times, that insulation is just put to the side, ends up in the garbage, and is never replaced. Over a period of time, these all accumulate.
There have been studies and surveys done, and they show that in many buildings 20% to 30% of the mechanical insulation is not working right because it has been either damaged or removed. I think we need some attention paid to the building codes and to insulation in particular. We need to realize that the cost of energy has increased so much. Insulation is more valued. Traditionally, it's undervalued by a lot.
I hope that answers your question.