Distinguished members of the committee, I would first like to thank you, on behalf of the British Columbia Council for International Cooperation, for inviting us to appear before you today.
The British Columbia Council for International Cooperation is a network of 150 civil society organizations, educational institutions, affiliate members, and individuals who share a common interest in making our world a better place.
As part of the non-profit sector, we would like to thank you for taking our views into consideration. Canada has the second-largest non-profit sector in the world. Our sector is larger than the automotive sector and contributes 8.1% of gross domestic product. Keep in mind that these are real jobs employing 13% of paid employees in Canada.
The statistics on volunteerism are equally impressive: 13 million Canadians volunteer their labour and skills.
We would also like to thank you for considering international development when formulating our national budget. You are clearly aware that what happens in one corner of our planet affects every corner. Our interdependence became obvious to Canadians a decade ago when it was growth in developing countries in Asia and Africa that prevented the world from falling into a deep economic depression.
In recognition of this interdependence in 2015 Canada and 193 other countries signed onto the United Nations' 2030 agenda for sustainable development and agreed to pursue 17 sustainable development goals with targets to achieve by the year 2030. One of these, goal 8, is of particular interest to those of us gathered here today. It is about decent work and economic growth. Among other targets, Canada and the other countries agreed to: “By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average”.
BCCIC attended the United Nations summit where countries signed on to the sustainable development goals. We returned curious to know if British Columbians shared this agenda. Over the past two years BCCIC travelled this province and met with more than 700 leaders in over 50 round tables in 32 communities. We mobilized teams of young people to speak to thousands more on the phone. Together we explored what it means to balance the local agenda with our common international agenda. We have mapped over 2,500 groups just in B.C., Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut who are working on the sustainable development goals. We encourage you to look at our digital map online at bccic.ca/ to see for yourselves how active this mosaic is.
In the context of the sustainable development goals, you were asking us about goal 8, decent jobs and economic growth in relation to Canada. Goal 8 cannot be addressed successfully in isolation from the rest of the goals, and the national cannot be addressed successfully in isolation from the global scale. We were inspired by recent Canadian policy statements that recognize this, such as the feminist international assistance policy.
The global agenda can be summed up in our commitment to leave nobody behind, which brings me to my main point. In every corner of this province and in the territories we found unanimous interest in the sustainable development goals. It mattered not an iota what a person's personal theory of change was, nor their politics. All agreed upon the benefits of municipal, provincial, or national plans working within the framework of agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals.
Everyone knows we live in a globalized economy on a planet with ecological limits. Everyone sees that security, prosperity, and well-being in Canada depend on security, prosperity, and well-being elsewhere.
How does this translate into a federal budget for Canada and Canadians? Budget 2018 in our opinion must step up Canada's capacity to engage outside of as well as within our borders on all 17 of the sustainable development goals. Others will speak to you about how budget 2018 can support the goals in Canada. I will speak to you about how budget 2018 can be more representative of Canadians' interest in supporting the goals globally.
On average Canadians donate about $530 a year. This represents a little over 1% of our average personal annual income. Internationally governments are expected to contribute just 0.7% of their gross national income toward official development assistance. Many countries have achieved or even exceeded this target, so how does Canada perform? Are we pulling our weight?
You will be saddened to learn that Canada is at an all-time low. For many years our official development assistance was growing, but today we are spending a paltry 0.26% of our gross national income on official development assistance. Let me repeat that: 0.26%, a quarter of a penny, for every dollar that Canada earns.
BCCIC is concerned that our federal government underestimates the interest of Canadians in the sustainable development goals. We are more generous than our government with our donations of money and we show up in droves to volunteer our time. Our recent federal government budget priorities do not reflect this commitment by Canadians, but they should. With shifting security concerns, a changing climate, the aging global population, and the limits of a finite planet, it makes no sense to view our national economy in isolation from our global context.
Budget 2018 is the time to aggressively commit to the 0.7% target. We recommend achieving 0.7% of gross national income for official development assistance within five years if not sooner. Canada must commit to the sustainable development goals with more than just words.
Thank you for your consideration.