What also concerns me is that every single person who spoke at the open mike and many of your fellow panellists today have talked about the need to invest in many different things. However, if people are not investing in the productive capacity of this country.... Human capital is also very important, but they need to work with something. I'm very concerned, so I appreciate that.
Mr. Black, I certainly appreciate your presentation and the 25,620 emails. I've connected with many former high school counterparts who have gone on to great things in your neck of the woods, and they are very concerned.
Just with regard to the tax changes, your group put forward a campaign to hit the pause button. Yesterday, there was a vote in the House of Commons that basically asked for an extension of the consultations and whatnot. Where does the government go from here? My opinion on this is that you have a situation where now it's political because decisions are going to be made. What kinds of things do policy-makers need to bear in mind, and what is the optimal route moving forward?