Ever since I first started in politics, I've always said that business needs two things: opportunity—and this country has so much opportunity—and certainty. I am very unhappy, Mr. Chair, to hear, first of all, that the government has given so much leeway to the regulator and that the regulator has given so much leeway to this panel, because ultimately we have so much that is being piled on—as we have heard from the cattle feeders—that this is now a question of whether or not we can stay competitive.
I'm going to go to the cattle feeders now, if you don't mind.
In regard to your industry, at least in British Columbia, I know many cattlemen. I've been to a couple of cattlemen's association meetings, and the demographics are getting older. There are succession issues around retaining the talent that will be able to move operations forward.
You mentioned as a concern these changes to the Canadian-controlled private corporations. However, I am also concerned about other areas that are not tax-based, like water. For example, many people in my area have said that ongoing regulation issues with the modernization of water acts and whatnot are causing all sorts of issues in the industry. Do you have any issues? They could be tax-based, but they could also be on other fronts that you think governments of all levels need to take a look at.