We will reconvene. I call the meeting to order.
I want to welcome the witnesses here for the consultations in advance of 2018 budget. Thank you for coming here today. I know that some of you have come long distances.
I also want to thank those who were able to send in submissions prior to mid-August. They are on people's iPads and they are part of the budget consultations as well, and the witnesses' presentations will add to those.
I will ask members to introduce themselves just to give people a bit of an idea of where representatives on the committee come from. This is not the full committee. We travel with a little less than the full committee, but we do represent across the country as a whole.
There will be some people speaking French. Channel 1 is English. Channel 2 is the one you will use for translation, if need be.
We'll start with the local member, Mr. Kelly.