I certainly appreciate that. I wish my province would give a similar focus as well, because I take your comments seriously. It's nice to see that industry is actually saying, “Let's dial it up.” Especially with some cancellations to major projects, it's important for us to have a few bright spots in our economy.
Mr. Russell, you've painted a picture here of the U.K. enterprise scheme, as you called it, where it would be open to all British citizens. It's a great way to invest in small businesses. Here in Canada, we have different institutions. BDC, for example, occupies much of the space. I would also hope that credit unions and banks, as financial intermediaries, would also look at the importance of capitalization for small business.
When you say that the government should get involved in this end of the economy, I'm not necessarily opposed, but there are some difficulties when you take a unitary state's concept and apply it to a confederated state as large as Canada. What do you think are the advantages? Have there been any studies to back up a similar program here in Canada?