As my colleague pointed out, the tax system in Canada is complicated. We've made Band-Aid changes over the last 40 years, since 1971 or 1972. We really need to start over again. One of the things that my colleagues and I across the country did, through the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, was to pass a resolution at our meeting in Fredericton at the end of September for a royal commission inquiry into the federal tax act. It needs a comprehensive overview.
There seems to be a lot of desire to become more like a Scandinavian country, yet we're sitting next to a neighbour, the United States, that is anti-tax and anti-regulation, so we have to find some sort of balance. We have high levels of provincial taxation and municipal taxation. Every other OECD country or G7 country is much more compact, and their federal government is much stronger than their regional governments. All of that has to be taken into consideration. Our tax act has run its course. It's a 20th century tax act. We're in the 21st century now. Things have changed. It's about time our tax system was updated and changed, so we're calling for a full review. Let's not do more Band-Aids. Let's fix it from scratch.