I'm the last obstacle between you and your lunch, so I'll make this short.
A common denominator of a lot of these discussions is that we can spend taxpayer dollars better with better knowledge. That knowledge doesn't come from digging a hole. It comes from smart people doing important work, and they need your support. It's done in various places. If we do this right, we can better spend every single dollar that the government has the responsibility of. That demands more people doing better research.
I want to thank all of you. Frankly, just hearing a battle of numbers—and reducing it to a battle of numbers, I think, does it a disservice—shows that we don't know everything and that we still need to investigate these things because they impact lives. I was happy to hear people invoking the NIH, invoking other studies. It's not a reproach on the argument. I was happy to hear people using research to make better-informed decisions. If we did that more often, I think we would spend our taxpayer dollars better.