I'll respond in English because, unfortunately, my French is not quite as good as Sarah's.
We appreciate your interest in Davie. In the case of the CSC project you were referring to, Tom, what we're saying is that, in order to beat inflation on a project, as you know, you have to speed up production or you have to spread production across many suppliers.
Recently there was a report issued by the U.K. government called the “National Shipbuilding Strategy”—the same title as ours. For that they hired a world expert to study their program, which is very similar to our current program, in which we have created two monopolies. They found that in order to bring the cost of their ships down, they had to spread the work around to other shipyards such that they were building mega blocks in different shipyards.
That's what we've done in our programs. We believe it can bring the cost down by as much as 75%, to 25% of the current value, and, as a case in point, we're currently bidding on a frigate program with a foreign navy, on a design similar to the one being put forward for the CSC program, and we'll be bidding that at about 25% of the current budgetary cost given by the PBO of $4 billion per ship, which is a huge number for a frigate. That is well beyond what it should be. From my 42 years in this business, I think that is way beyond what we should be paying for a ship like that when we can produce it at one-quarter of the cost. But we're not at the dance; that's the problem.