In terms of phase one, I would say that it went fairly well. That was on a small scale, compared to what will happen in phase two. I think there's some concern about the abilities of both the provincial government and the federal government to process all of the information that is going to be coming forward for infrastructure projects.
What I would say is that I think the programs are designed very well to allow municipalities to choose the projects that are important to them and to put those forward and have them funded. On that front, it's great. In terms of actually concluding the agreement in a timely manner, Ontario was pretty late in agreeing, and that really put us under the gun in the construction season we have in terms of delivering the projects on time, by the end of March. We will have some projects that will go over because of the lateness of the agreement.
Concluding the agreement bilaterally with Ontario is going to be really important for how well we can deliver phase two projects.