Let me switch gears a little bit. I'm the chair of our health unit in London and Middlesex, and certainly when we met with Mr. Blair when he came in to talk about the government's approach, one of the issues we raised with him was how we were going to pay for the enforcement side of these things. A lot of it falls on the health unit to do some of the inspections in these pieces.
A public health approach to cannabis is fine from a public health perspective. We support that kind of regulatory approach. However, we have to pay for it. We need to make sure that the funding flows. In Ontario the public health units are funded primarily 75% from the province and 25% from municipalities. We need to make sure that the marijuana revenues are covering off those costs that will be borne by municipalities on both the policing side, as you've pointed out, and the public health side, which will not be insignificant.