Very quickly, Quebec's law outlaws essentially all marketing to children. What the bill that's coming over to the House of Commons does is that it differs in three very significant ways. First, it's only targeted at certain food and beverage products, so it's not all marketing to children but different.
Second, the age is very different: 13 versus 17. Our concern, again, is not with the legislation. Well, we do have concerns with the legislation, but that age is then leading into adult advertising. For example, that means you probably would not be able to show an advertisement for orange juice on Hockey Night in Canada, but you would be able to show a beer ad.
The third component is how extensive it will limit sponsorship events that are really targeted at adults. Because that age is 17, you will have a lot of events that are now sponsored by food and beverage companies that will simply no longer be able to occur in Canada.