The act has been drafted taking into consideration all the situations of all the aboriginal groups in the north of provinces and sometimes in the south, in Quebec, Ontario, and all of that. Some have a kind of status, if I may say so, and some don't. Actually, we heard that Métis sometimes don't even have any card, any status, and all of that.
We drafted it so that if it's reasonably practicable to document and to prove it, yes, but basically the employer will have to rely on good faith and on the goodwill of the person who says, “I'm aboriginal”. The person may claim that, yes, it was traditional practice, but that's not what they have to document. They have to document that they are aboriginal, but there are situations where there won't be any card, any status, or any documentation to prove it, and they shouldn't be denied. We don't want to exclude these aboriginal people.