You mentioned that the government has done a review of these 21 projects that were approved in March 2017 and earlier, before the government decided to join.
If the government had done these human rights checks.... I mean, Bangladesh is a recipient. Bangladesh has a horrible human rights record. Bloggers have been murdered for the past few years. Gay rights activists have been murdered. Pakistan continues to oppress Sindhis, Baluchs, and other minorities.
Egypt is also receiving money. Actually, 11 solar power projects are being financed. There are private companies that are co-signers on the project, so they're the ones that have been de-risked. The risk is all taken on by taxpayers of other countries. Egypt has been pursuing a crackdown on civil society.
Did the Government of Canada say that those were okay, that the human rights records are fine and to just proceed with participating in the AIIB?