Right, but now you're joining an institution that does finance these types of projects in these types of countries, and the supermajority vote.... China has enough shares that there is no veto allowed for any other country, except for China, for supermajority-related votes. Between China and Russia, they can block most things that go on at the AIIB, if they don't like a direction that's being taken.
You mentioned this as well; you said “if we don't have a voice at the table to decide”. We should only have a voice at the table if we've put money into it. That's when we care. Outside of that, why does it impact Canada's environmental and human rights record when other countries choose to pursue an infrastructure project in another country? We have our own issues and our own other multilateral organizations, like the ADB, where we could be ensuring we're all playing by the right rules and to the standard that we have.
We're giving $375 million U.S., according to proposed section 7 here of division 2, to an organization that is financing projects in countries that have poor human rights records, like Azerbaijan.