That's absolutely correct, and you're right in saying that it's a larger issue and really a huge source of worry for the people we represent.
As the committee knows well, in order to be eligible to have an RDSP, a person must first qualify for the DTC. Once you form an RDSP, you can make contributions to that plan and then you can attract grants and bonds from the federal government that help the individual who is suffering from a disability or their family provide financial stability for their future against the risks that they will experience periods of inability to work.
The grants and bonds relate to a contribution made by the individual, but they are multiples of it. RDSPs were introduced only in 2008 and so nobody has yet been able to vest them. You can't contribute after you're 50 and you can't cash them out before you're 65, so no one has been able to vest any of their RDSPs yet.
However, notwithstanding the fact that they were introduced only in 2008, I know a number of my counterparts, people approximately my age, working folks with type 1 diabetes, who have $50,000 in their RDSPs, which they're counting on for their retirement and which they are at risk of losing because they've now been disqualified.