I'm not aware of other jurisdictions where the leave is paid. My understanding is that leave has been introduced in a couple of jurisdictions in Canada, but it's been unpaid leave.
I understand that deciding who is eligible is a difficult situation. I understand the distaste in the thought that someone who was an abuser could access this and benefit from it, but the well-intentioned practice of dual charging means that victims can end up being charged. I think it's a question of balancing the benefit to those victims who may otherwise be excluded with the distasteful aspect of providing paid leave to people who are abusers. That's the difficult decision you'll have to make, but I would tend to err on the side of making the leave available even in cases where people have been charged. I think it will capture women who really need that time off and who need that money.
The example from the Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario is compelling on that front. We see women return to abusive situations because they financially can't leave or they're concerned, as I said, that their children might be apprehended because they're not providing sufficiently for their basic necessities. The consequences can in fact be fatal. I would weigh that against the unpleasantness of the thought that some of the beneficiaries of this paid leave would actually be abusers.